Daisypath Wedding tickers

My Best Moment

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008

Liht foto berduaku di sebelah kanan? It was taken on my best day!

Aku adalah yang berkerudung hijau di sebelah kanan. Sedangkan, gadis manis di sebelahku adalah sahabatku selama hampir 11 tahun (nanti, tanggal 9 Agustus adalah hari jadi kami).

Foto ini diambil saat makan malam wisudaku. Banyak rintangan yang harus aku lewati demi mendapatkan gelar sarjana, dan salah satunya adalah ditinggal sahabatku itu. Walaupun beliau masuk kuliah di kampus yang sama denganku satu tahun lebih lambat, beliau berhasil menamatkan kuliah setahun lebih cepat dariku. Back then, I must struggle almost by myself!

But, hey!
Nova, sahabatku itu, akhirnya kembali ke kota kampus kami semalam sebelum wisudaku. What a beautiful gift ever!

I'm a coffee drinker, indeed!

Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

Take this test!
Easy does it. That's how you get through life. Not one to get caught up in silly dramas or frivolous gossip, you've got the grace and elegance to know what really matters. That's why your signature coffee drink is as smooth and refined as you are.

Calm, cool, and oh-so-collected, friends know they can come to you when they need a sympathetic ear and solid advice. You're a natural when it comes to making friends — and keeping them — since you're so trustworthy and real. With your confidence and composure, you can't help but be one smooth operator no matter what curveballs life throws you. And that's exactly what's going to take you to the top. Stay cool!