Daisypath Wedding tickers

Khas Karima Yolita

Minggu, 12 April 2009

yeah... yeah... in ikhas aku banget: deadlines!

i gotta go out of this habit!!!

Aku sedang mempersiapkan pernikahanku. I like this adventure: encari tempat, mencari jasa katering dan dekorasi. Pheww....! Yang membuat hal ini tambah menarik adalah: budget!! hehehe, isn't that the problem that everyone got?

We only have a budget of Rp 50.000.000 for this marriage. Jumlah orang (bukan undangan) yang bakal datang kira-kira 500-700 orang. Our priority is excellent food although we'll have simple decoration. What should we do?

Here comes our first question: will it be at home or not?