Daisypath Wedding tickers

Model Jas CPP

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

I've been wondering lately, what kind of suit will be worn by my groom? Pertanyaan ini agak sulit dijawab karena dalam menentukan pilihan, aku dihadapkan pada beberapa batasan. Dua batasan yang jelas terlihat adalah bahwa postur tubuh calonku bukanlah postur tubuh lelaki kebanyakan, dan tentunya batasan finansial. It should be great looking, but still within the budget. How much is the budget actually? None :) I'm still hoping that it won't cost us any penny :p

Jelas terlihat bahwa masalahnya tidak terletak pada model yang diinginkan, tetapi pada ukurannya :) bahkan ketika ingin meminjam pun, hal ini jadi pertanyaan utama: What is the biggest size that you can found in your cupboard?

Well, hal ini tentunya membuatku menyimpan rencana tambahan. Bagaimana jika kita membuat sendiri? Hmmm, tampak suatu ide yang bagus bukan? karena pastinya kita akan membuat jas yang sesuai dengan ukuran kita, ya kan? Then, berapa harga yang harus dikeluarkan jika kita ingin menjahit jas sendiri?

Not so long ago, i happened to walk across a Harry's Palmer Boutique in Taman Anggrek Mall. I know that they make excellent suit because of their reputation. I was curious about the prize in making a great lookin suit there. I googled, then i found out about their prize range when they were asked to make 2 suits for Damian Aditya's wedding. It was about Rp 15-20 millions. That is still a lot of money for us.

To make this story shorter, i then asked my mom to call a friend of her, who is also a tailor. I just needed to know the real number we need to spend for making a suit. There... he said that now it will cost us Rp 800-900.000 for a pair of suit, that includes the pants, but not including the fabrics. Hmmm, that is still a lot of money...

Anyway... we are still brainstorming and searching for multiple options. We haven't decided yet. Hopefully, we will get the best out of it :)

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